Monday, May 23, 2016

Friday Post May 20

Link to Sketchup:

To use:

1. Click the big red download button

2. Double click the Sketchup.msi file

3. Allow the installation wizard to guide you through the installation

Now to explain 4 tools.

Tool #1: Push/Pull

To use this, select a face of the object, click and drag. You can also enter a dimension on your keyboard, i.e. 40" for exact measurements.

Tool #2: Measuring tape

You use the measuring tape to create guides for shapes.

Really, you use it in the same way as the push/pull tool, except you select an edge instead of a face. Again, you can enter in a dimension on your keyboard.

Tool #3: Rectangle tool

Use this to create a rectangle, which you can modify with the push/pull tool

You click and drag to use it. You can also enter in a set of dimensions, in the format of 40cm,30cm

Tool #4: Offset tool

Use this to create an offset rectangle, which counts as a seperate "Face"

Use it the same as everything else, click and drag inwards or outwards, enter in a dimension.

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