Friday, February 26, 2016

Friday Post Feb. 26

What I did

Created a graphic in Flash
Created a button in Flash
Used Actionscript to program a button
Created a basic motion tween
Did basic vector art in Flash
Created a gradient swatch

What I learned

F8= Convert currently selected object into symbol
F6= Create keyframe
Ctrl+Enter= Test movie
How to create a gradient swatch
How to create a motion tween

Friday, February 12, 2016

Friday Post #2

Things I did:

Changed the picture that my name is made of

Overlayed pictures of nature, animals, and materials on to my name

Things I learned:

How to put animated GIFs in the background of a blog

How to copy the shape of an image and move it to another image

How to overlay an image over another image

How to place an image in another file

Overlay Animals

Overlay Materials

Friday, February 5, 2016

Friday Post

Things I did

Used Photoshop
Used cloud storage
Wrote blog posts

Things I learned

ctrl+alt+z= many undo
ctrl+a=select all
Learned basic HTML
Learned how to use a VPN


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Expected Mark

80% if that wasn't clear, still getting used to animating.

A B if the animation wasn't clear, since 80% is a B if I remember correctly.